Ante Čurkov

Put Trećanice 6 · Kaštel Novi, Crotia · +385 95 851-0846 ·

Currently pursuing Master's degree at FESB university, with a project or two in Data Structures and Web Development


Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture in Split (FESB)

Bachelor of Computing
October 2016 - July 2020

University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy

2 years
October 2013 - June 2016

Construction and geodetic technical school

Architectural technician, Architecture
October 2009 - June 2013


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Low-fidelity design and prototyping
  • Mobile-First, Responsive Design
  • Cross Browser Testing & Debugging
  • Agile Development


Apart from being a student web developer, I enjoy most of my time being outdoors. If the sun is out, I enjoy trekking or riding a bike.

When forced indoors, I take time to relax or read a book, mostly focused on self-help or psychology, play a bit of piano, and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the front-end web development world... or playing games.

Immensely dedicated to finding a meaning of life, or giving it some purpose.